
What’s in a weed?
It is so fascinating that some plants you thought of as common weeds are indeed wonderfully useful. So much so that you want to help them grow instead of plucking them up to be rid of them…”once and for all”.

So many plants, like Jewel Weed (pic above) live a double life. To most they are just a weed in the way, but to those in the know, they have purpose. The Jewel Weed for instance, can be used in salves, soaps or even applied directly to help stop the itch from Poison Ivy. In fact you will usually find it growing near poison ivy. Mother nature is so thoughtful sometimes.

Follow our blog for more fascinating facts about native plants, weeds and garden growers that can be foraged or grown and are edible, dyeable or medicinal.

Foraging and plant identification are something we will be sharing on our Lunch and Trail with Alpaca Outings. We hope to get those rolling sometime in 2020. For more information, click here.

Click here for more information on other fun classes and events at Lasso the Moon Alpaca Farm/ Lardworks Glass & Fiber Studio.